1. Successful in europe (unheard of in US/canada) 2. Reduces ICU and MD burden 3. Fairly easy and cheap to manufacture
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very much want to gather the knowledge and materials to build a batch of these. I have some experience with heat sealing PTFE .05 mm thick into 2.5 m x 1m x 1m bags that had to be airtight.
You mentioned in item 4 you have a contact at a company building them in Italy.
Can you get us any help with the following:
*Materials used for the different parts?
**Information about equipment
***Information about techniques
Seems like a great idea to build these to free up some ventilators for the sicker patients.
add covid-19 and coronavirus to title so users can find it
these Noninvasive Ventilation Helmets are out of stock everywhere how can you promote this idea
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Great idea. I was looking to see if there were any publically available schematics, but have not found any. Having a port for a straw or tube feeding access will be important. If the flow rate into the helmet is 45-60 Liters/minute, Co2 buildup won't be an issue. It will need a HEPA filter at the exhaust, BOSCH makes a car cabin one that is about $17 U.S. One used for a vacuum cleaner would be okay too since it is on the exhaust end. From the articles I've read, they are a better option for many clinical situations than a standard CPAP mask. Avoiding intubation/vent is such a great idea, too much barotrauma on the vent.