
Water temperature mk2

A simple small prototype to test the feasibility of using Lorawan with semi-submerged sensors.

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I use Adafruit Feather boards with Lora capability to test the radio range and battery life in real life environment.

The probe consists of 8 AA Alkaline batteries which takes up most of the space and an Adafruit Feather 32u4 Lora board and a temperature probe.

All of this is crammed into a PET bottle tube and sealed with a combination of hot glue, non hardening silicone and silicone.

The core of the probe is three 4xAA battery holders glued together. The top one have no battery connectors left but instead are used to attach the Feather and sensor. The two bottom battery holders are wired in parallel to the battery-port of the Feather.

At the bottom there is a bunch of steel balls acting as a weight to make sure the probe is in the right orientation in the water. The steel balls is encased in wax to make a form that fits in the bottom of the tube and creates a flat surface for the core to rest against.

At the top there is a 3D-printed collar to make a snug fit against the top of the tube, that collar are hot-glued to the tube and on top of that a thin plastic film that are sealed of with silicone.

As an antenna this version uses a simple wire cut to length for 433MHz, the wire is in held in a coil around the top most bit of the core. The next version will have a proper antenna on the outside of the tube, somehow.

  • Changing to one-wire

    Anders Green04/06/2020 at 15:49 0 comments

    The latest activity have been to rewrite parts of the code to use DS18b20 instead of the DHT22 in mk2. At the hardware level I've added a proper antenna to see what range we can get. 

  • Changing to one-wire

    Anders Green04/06/2020 at 15:49 0 comments

    The latest activity have been to rewrite parts of the code to use DS18b20 instead of the DHT22 in mk2. At the hardware level I've added a proper antenna to see what range we can get. 

  • Range test 2

    Anders Green03/30/2020 at 09:34 0 comments

    For test 2 the probe was placed in the office-window of a friend close to 9km away, this did not work and i saw no updates at the base station. So the plan is to find a location somewhere between 3km and 9km away. 

  • Range test 1

    Anders Green03/30/2020 at 09:33 0 comments

    The first tests was to place the probe at a distance but still in view from the base station. 

    For test 1 the probe was placed in a flowerpot at a colleagues house about 3km away and it worked flawlessly.

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