
Laser cut medical shield on A4 sheet

Simple design of a medical shield for COVID-19 protection that fit on A4 sheet size.

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Medical shield adaptation of Konrad Klepacki's design to fit on a A4 sheet size (297x210mm) as it's all we could find. It's a bit smaller in consequence, but still very much usable.
Original project : Thank you so much! :)

The shield is split into 2 sheets : one for the visor, the other for the head band (9 of them fit on one sheet).

License: CC BY-NC 4.0
For commercial use, see the license agreement from the original creators.

## FR ##
Visière médicale en format A4 faite entièrement d'une feuille plastique transparente, s'assemble mécaniquement sans colle.
La visière est faite avec deux feuilles : une pour la visière, l'autre pour la bande frontale (9 sur la même feuille).

We gave some angle to the band attachement for better protection and reducing the "flaring" of the sheet at the bottom. But you may want to fold a bit the bottom corners to reduce it further and have a straighter visor for better protection (more "face coverage").

Assembly is similar as the original design, with less pieces. See "Face shield assembly manual V2.pdf" here :

## FR ##

Au besoin, vous pouvez plier les coins en bas de la visière pour éviter l'évasement et obtenir une meilleure protection (couvre plus le visage).

Assemblage en images ici : "Face shield assembly manual V2.pdf" (depuis )

Certaines pièces ont été enlevées pour simplifier mais l'assemblage reste identique.



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Head bands (9 per sheet)

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AutoCAD DXF - 236.62 kB - 03/31/2020 at 10:54


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