

A project log for ESP32 TNC and Audio Relay for HF/VHF Packet Radio

Wireless packet radio interface for HF/VHF/UHF transceivers, using ESP32 as KISS TNC or audio relay for use with soft modems

ryan-kinnettRyan Kinnett 04/04/2020 at 00:230 Comments

Where to start?

There are other ways to do this.  

Perhaps the cheapest approach would be to just build custom cables to tap the radio AF-in and PTT pins on the Mic port and AF-out from the SP2 port, wire those directly to my computer's aux-out and mic jacks, and use a software modem.  Gain/level control and PTT may require some circuitry in between.  It is also possible to control the radio (PTT, VFO selection, set frequency, etc) over a TTL serial connection provided on the center ring of the SP2 port.

Similarly, a 2-way Bluetooth audio device could be used to relay AF to and from a PC running sound modem software with the BT device selected as the audio input and output device.  This approach lets you eliminate electrical connections to your control computer.  One could design an analog circuit to pull in PTT when audio is streaming from the controlling PC, or devise some other way to toggle PTT wirelessly, potentially over a separate BT device running as a serial port.  

This is what got me thinking about the ESP32 which could serve as a 2-way BT audio device and either decide digitally when to trigger PTT, or provide a telnet terminal which the control software on the PC can use to command PTT.  Plus, there are tons of other things you can do with an ESP32 driving the radio.

This also got me thinking that the ESP32 is plenty powerful enough to handle onboard AF modulation and demodulation, eliminating the need for a software modem on the PC.  Instead, one could implement KISS protocol over Bluetooth serial profile or over 802.11 telnet to control the TNC and send and receive digital packets.  

This is hardly a new idea, it's just new to me.  Other projects use various forms of microcontrollers with a bluetooth serial interface over I2C or similar.  For instance, the  mobilinkd TNC3 and  MicroModem projects, both of which seem to be well supported and well worth the investment.  It turns out Mobilinkd is also actively looking at moving to the ESP32 but hesitated due to bugs in power management in BLE mode which have since been fixed.

I am very tempted to buy the mobilinkd TNC3 but figured I might as well try building something similar since I have some spare Esp32s and miscellaneous components, plus test equipment, and since various parts of the needed code base already exist in various forms for other platforms.  Also, it turns out @Evan has already started porting Mark Qvist's APRS work to the ESP32.  I'll try Evan's LibAPRS branch and go from there.  There are a few other Arduino KISS TNC projects that also look promising, but are targeted for older, slower boards.  Some look easier than others to port to the ESP32.

If all fails, I will likely break down and buy a mobilinkd TNC3 or wait for an ESP32-based version.

Some thoughts about interfaces:



Good overview:

The AX.25 protocol is removed entirely from the TNC, as are all command interpreters and the like. The TNC simply converts between synchronous HDLC, spoken on the full- or half-duplex radio channel, and a special asynchronous, full duplex frame format spoken on the host/TNC link. Every frame received on the HDLC link is passed intact to the host once it has been translated to the asynchronous format; likewise, asynchronous frames from the host are transmitted on the radio channel once they have been converted to HDLC format.


HDLC frame:
  • Flag (8 bits: b01111110, 0x7E)
  • Address (8+ bits)
  • Control (8 or 16 bits)
  • Information (variable, 8xn bits)
  • Frame Check Sequence (16-bit CRC-CCITT or a 32-bit CRC-32 computed over the Address, Control, and Information fields)
  • Flag (8 bits: b01111110, 0x7E)
If the receiver's calculation of the FCS does not match that of the sender's, indicating that the frame contains errors, the receiver can either send a negative acknowledge packet to the sender, or send nothing. After either receiving a negative acknowledge packet or timing out waiting for a positive acknowledge packet, the sender can retransmit the failed frame.
The FCS field of an AX.25 frame is sent most-significant bit first. All other fields are sent with each octet’s least-significant bit first. 
There are three general types of AX.25 frames:
  • Information frame (I frame)
  • Supervisory frame (S frame)
  • Unnumbered frame (U frame) 


Good summary about modulation techniques used with KISS/AX.25:

[AFSK] is normally used for a rate of 300 baud on the HF bands. The NRZ-I bits are transmitted as an audio signal which frequency shifts between two tones spaced 200Hz apart. The radio is set to SSB mode, so the actual emission is really FSK. The particular tones that are used are not standard, so this has to be compensated by setting the radio dial frequency correctly. It is not important whether LSB or USB mode is used, because the signal is not sensitive to polarity inversion.

The second way to do it is using FM AFSK. This is normally used for a rate of 1200 baud on the VHF and UHF bands. The NZR-I bits are transmitted as an audio signal which frequency shifts between the tones 1200Hz and 2200Hz. This audio signal is FM modulated before transmission.

The third way to do it is using G3RUH FSK [requires direct access to radio modulator].

The fourth way to do it is using BPSK. This is used in a few amateur satellites, using a rate of 1000 or 1200 baud. The NRZ-I bits are transmitted as a BPSK signal (differential encoding is not used). This BPSK signal can be generated as an audio signal on a computer and then used to drive an SSB transmitter.

Finally, fldigi can act as a KISS TNC, allowing to send AX.25 frames in many of the modes supported by this program. However, these digital modes are normally used for text based chat and rarely used for AX.25.

gr-kiss includes example flowgraphs showing how the 1k2 FM AFSK, 9k6 FSK and 1k2 BPSK modulations work.

=>  1200 baud AFSK for VHF/UHF, with tones at 1200Hz and 220Hz.
=>  300 baud FSK on HF SSB (LSB or USB) with 200Hz tone separation.
=>  FLdigi with ESP32 as BT audio relay

Another good summary:

Other modulation methods:
ARDOP P2P HF (use ESP32 as BT audio relay)
FLdigi NBEMS (use ESP32 as BT audio relay)
WinMOR on HF (use ESP32 as BT audio relay)
PACTOR requies proprietary modem >:-(
PSK31 for HF?  No error correction, not recommended for EMCOMM

FLdigi/NBEMS intro:


power management tips:

main page:
VARA quick guide:
=> implement as AF pass-through, driven by PC app

Icom ID-5100a service manual: 

8V regulator:  NJM2835DL1, 500mA max
Full manual:
SP2 pinout:  tip RXD, Ring: TXD, Sleeve: GND
Serial interface:  4800/9600/19200, Data: 8 bit, Parity: none, Stop: 1 bit, Flow control:Xon/Xoff
Get CI-V address and set baud rate via CI-V menu
Default address:  0x8C
Maybe can also configure Data port as serial?  Pg 12-10; "Data Device Set -> Serialport Function:  CI-V"
Data format on pg 13-16 and Cmd Table on pg 13-17
