
COVID-19 Facemask

A facemask to keep you safe in trying times of COVID-19

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During these crazy times we are seeing an exponential curve in the number of people who have become infected with COVID-19. Just today we have had over 1 million people infected world wide, infected people are in our communities and the likelihood that we will interact with someone who has COVID-19 becomes evermore real . Yet we can't just hide away in our homes, we still need to get groceries and necessities to run our households. While social distancing is helpful there will be times that a person could get within 2 meters of you. For these situations you want to be prepared incase they have become infected with the virus.'s response to fighting this virus is to stay inside and away from other people as much as possible and develop a solution for the times when you may accidentally come in contact with an infected person. This is an open source mask and shield that can be 3d printed from your computer and used for when you go out into public situations. This can also be used for front line health care workers in a pinch should they not have access to medical grade products. Because this is open source, people in poor countries can get access to cheap, easy to build COVID-19 face mask and shield that might prevent them from becoming infected.


The .SKP Files and the .STL files ready to go.

x-zip-compressed - 1.11 MB - 04/03/2020 at 00:07


  • 1 × Plastic sheet
  • 1 × 3d Printed Mask and Clips
  • 2 × Elastic Bands
  • 4 × M3 x 16mm Screws
  • 1 × M3 Locking Nuts

  • 1
    Build your own Facemask

    1.      3D Print the mask. I suggest printing it upside down from its original orientation. This provides you with the easiest to remove supports. In my tests printing with the mask print with a rafting to prevent a misprint was required. The print is designed to fit snugly on a medium sized head, those with smaller or bigger heads may want to edit the SKP file and uniformly scale the mask by 2% in either direction to obtain a proper fit. Remove supports from the front of the mask and any supports in the screw holes (a drill for the screw holes works well, a chisel for the supports behind the front of the mask)

    2.      Obtain and Tape a clear plastic sheet to the outside of the mask so that it covers all four holes in the mask and then some on either side. Using a permanent black marker, mark on the sheet where the four holes align and use a single hole punch to make the holes for the mask.

    3.      Using M3-16mm screws and M3 locking nuts attach the plastic sheet to the mask rim.

    4.      Using the holes on the ear pieces and the clips provided in the print, use 2 #64 elastic bands to create the back of the mask. The Elastic bands go through holes and attach to the clips on the outside of the mask and hold the elastic bands preventing them from going through the holes in the mask. Use this mask in conjunction with a N95 mask or homemade mask, a tutorial on how to make this is found here:

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