
200406 - Active Filters

A project log for Covid-19 3D Printed Face Mask

A design for a compact, comfortable, reusable face mask that seals to your face and has replaceable air filters that are easy to procedure.

radu-motisanRadu Motisan 04/06/2020 at 19:000 Comments

Another idea was to impregnate the cotton pads with anti-microbial chemicals, let them dry, then use them in the mask. When breathing, the the humidity in air would transfer to the chemicals, making them humid and active. I considered the following:

Sadly, all these are slightly toxic when inhaled, so it’s definitely not an option for a face mask filter. But then Ionut sent me this link in

The study shows that a saline solution can act as antimicrobial agent for a similar scenario – single use masks. The filters can be soaked in a saturated saline solution, left to dry, then inserted in the #masca3d filter container. The exhaled air will reactive the hygroscopic salt crystals and enable them to kill viruses. Other salts can be used as well and may have a better yield (Sodium bicarbonate).


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