
Officially version 0.1.0

A project log for zeptoforth

A full-featured Forth-based RTOS for ARM Cortex-M

travis-bemannTravis Bemann 04/11/2020 at 03:410 Comments

I have now added proper rebooting (rather than only doing a "fake" reboot involving branching to the reset handler without actually resetting the MCU) and fixed a major bug in flash erasure on the STM32F407. Now, this version, as it appears to be free of major bugs, is deemed version 0.1.0. As a result, the directory structure has changed, so that binaries are now in a directory named bin/<version>/<platform>/, and the binary files have been renamed to zeptoforth_kernel-<version>.bin, for binaries that contain only the zeptoforth kernel, and zeptoforth_full-<version>.bin, for binaries that include all the Forth code compiled in with the setup.fs script for that platform.
