
Patch-level release 0.5.5

A project log for zeptoforth

A full-featured Forth-based RTOS for ARM Cortex-M

travis-bemannTravis Bemann 05/30/2020 at 05:070 Comments

In patch-level release 0.5.5 new testing facilities for both stack and emit capture testing have been added, a LOOKUP word for searching the dictionary based on word prefixes has been added, kernel platform, version, and build date are now displayed at startup and can be queried with the words KERNEL-PLATFORM, KERNEL-VERSION, and KERNEL-DATE, a FREE word for querying how much flash dictionary space is left and how much main task RAM dictionary space, stack space, and return stack space are left has been added, a TASK-FREE word for querying how much RAM dictionary space, stack space, and return stack space are left for a selected task has been added, and warnings are now displayed when the flash dictionary or the main task RAM dictionary have less than a kilobyte of space left.
