

A project log for Luxbeam LE4960

It was up for auction, I was bored, now I have one.

morganmorgan 05/30/2020 at 04:380 Comments

Last I left off, I was trying every incantation of tcpdump I could muster with little success. It was obvious the projector was self assigning an address and simply not broadcasting *anything* to the network. I tried some broad range ping sweeps but between fighting routing tables and the likelihood an embedded device like this would ignore pings (it didn't) I didn't put a lot of effort into this. Instead I sank to the last resort of any hacker worth their weight in flux and I... contacted the manufacturer.

And it worked! A couple of nice folks at Visitech got back to me with some basic questions and gave me a dropbox full of documents!

As suspected the device self assigns an address on reset,, how'd my  ping sweet not hit that?!? I blame the routing tables.

Status screen for Luxbeam 4600
We're IN!

Before talking about this interface, I did some other poking around while I was attempting to get this webpage (routing taaaables!) and found interesting things. It has telnet and ssh servers but not only do the web interface credentials not but the ssh is public key only.

Presumably the FTP is to upload images and sequences, ls shows nothing and I  haven't seen anything in the documentation yet, and frankly, don't care that much right now. And in general, this is about as far as I'm going in this direction, but the fact there's an FGPA running Linux in there ight make  for some compelling hacking in the future.

So at this point I have access to the web ui, documentation for the UDP protocol and have successfully loaded an image and tested the optics.

Grid of test dots
Test Pattern, 1920x1080 pixels across ~42mm

This is one of the preloaded test patterns ''faaaaiiirly in focus". It's hard to take a picture while holding a piece of paper in focus. It also shows the current projection size is about 42x25mm (1.5 x 1" maybe?) for a 1920x1080 pixel image.

UV Jolly Wrencher projected on white paper
My test pattern

At this point, I'm basically happy with the control aspects. I can load a custom image, I can turn the LED on/off, in theory scripted. The next part in a bit daunting.

Morgan Becomes an Optimist!

Errrr, optometrist! Errrr, obstinatist? Optication! YYeah, why let a bad joke go?

This  part is going to be hard. Not only do I know basically nothing about optics, I suspect it will involve a lot of finicky adapter parts, stuff I usually don't have a lot of patients for. The goal is to increase the projection size to cover most, if not an entire 'standard' 4x6'" copper clad board. But in the short term, I'm going to build a platform at the current ~60mm focal distance and do some test exposures for tiny boards. This will give me some time to troll craigslist for 'optics' (broken camera lenses) to experiment with. And lastly, I really liked this picture of the LCD with the light source off.


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