A close look at the signal integrity of a simple 1-Wire master driver
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This two-transistor driver was built using the strongest 1k5 pull-up allowed for 1-Wire:
Note that D1/R4 are contained in the DS9503 used (pins 2 and 5 are grounded and thus don't appear in the combined schematic above).
A couple of 1-Wire devices are connected (a DS276x temperature probe and DS2413 switch) via a relatively long cable made of 18ga zip wire (speaker wire) and the bus is monitored for regular scan activity:
As expected, the bus levels are 0V and 5V. Let's zoom in and look at a specific 1-Wire transaction - this is called a Reset/Presence pulse. The 1-Wire Master generates a very long (520uS) low pulse to reset all 1-Wire slaves; they respond by generating a 120uS 'Presence' pulse:
In the above capture, you see a small amount of undershoot from the 1-Wire Slave Presence pulse; this is unavoidable on a longer cable like the 22' line here. Fortunately, the DS9503 clamps the negative pulse before it can damage the UART RxD line.
Let's zoom in even closer and look at a single data bit on the bus - this is a 'Read 1' transaction:
Note the timebase is 1uS/division. The master pulls the bus low for ~8uS, which signals the sensor it is ready to receive a bit - here, the sensor sends a '1' bit by allowing the bus to charge back up to 5V. Because the 1-Wire Master uses a 1k5 resistor, the charge follows an RC curve, rising above the RxD threshold in ~400nS and above 4V in ~1uS. The bus is sampled at ~4uS (which is off the right of the trace). We see that data integrity on the 22' cable is excellent. Of course, the 22' 1-Wire bus will have reflections of data pulses - these are visible as small squiggles on the rising RC curve for about 400nS if we zoom further in:
Because the RxD pin isn't sampled until ~4uS later, these (expected) reflections do not compromise the integrity of the data.
This experiment shows a simple 1-Wire Master driver works well with cables longer than 20'; while I haven't tested it, this probably would work up to 50'.
DO NOT try this with a single-pin SoC interface on a Raspberry Pi without a proper 3V ESD clamp.
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Understood. This circuit is actually deployed in a commercial product I designed several years ago, I saw random speculation on the Internet that this driver limited range to 10' (though we'd tested extensively...). So I re-tested and got pictures this time. 2N7000s and 2N3904s aren't THAT different - the bipolar transistor is a little slower - and I think the Dallas/Awtrey notes on this are a sales pitch for the (high-end) DS2480B. We're not driving 1000' of bus, we're driving maybe 20'... and it works well. The scope traces show it.
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hi, hey ive been running networks of several DS18B20's (on the same bus) off the simple 2N7000 circuit listed in AN148 (Application note)... works like a charm on "long" cables (100ft). You should check it out. A few cents worth of parts and youve got a kick ass master driver. It does require 2 pins on the micro though.