
DIY Click Boards / Adaptors

The Evolution of a simple adapter.

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Over a period of about 5 years ive been designing a product, building a couple of units, testing (long term, actual testing), etc. This is the history of the evolution of a little Mikro Bus adapter ive been using to simplify protoyping with the inclusion of buttons, a serial LCD and other little things the project needed. This started as "oh, i need to add a button" and ended up as "man i need to pack as much things as i can on this same socket to save on costs and _MOaR FeAtuRes_"
Thanks to Covid-19, ive finally gotten a chance to try my hand at services like JLCPCB, It was my first time so i went though hole, since smd was a bit intimidating.
This post should be the last time I etch a board manually. AMEN!

All in, the final version has a Long range 1-wire Driver, EEPROM, Serial LCD connector, ESP8266, button with LED ring connector, and stackable headers to use the remaining pins and stack another click board on it. (Usually other I2C clicks since most pins a

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