
Geodatalogger for gas concentrations

8 differen gas concentrations with air-pressure, humidity and temperature compensation with GPS-location

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This device is under construction.
It gathers all GPS data, 8 different gas concentrations, air pressure, humidity and temperature. The Hardware is done and working. The gas-sensor data is calculated into ratios, but i'm still on the logarithmic conversion for 'ppm' / 'ppb' values. The power consumption is high and i only use three 7805 regulators on heat sink. I dont like it too much, but it works.

All values:
Sats,HDOP,, Latitude, Longitude, Fix, Date, Time, Date,Alt, Course,Speed,Card, Distance,Course,Card, Chars,Sentences,Checksum, ,,Temp, Hydr, Pressure, Altitude(Pa), MQ-2, MQ-3, MQ-4, MQ-6, MQ-7, MQ-8, MQ-9, MQ-125, U_Betrieb,

Until now the data gets send over serial.

/*Graphics will come next. SD-Card will come last.*/

The used Arduino Nano is at its limit with 98% used memory the expansion of the firmware is not possible :(

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Dan Maloney wrote 05/07/2020 at 16:31 point

What gases to those sensors cover?

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j wrote 05/07/2020 at 17:26 point

H2, CH4, CO, CO2, Ethanol, LPG, Benzine, Hexan, propane.. there are cross sensitivities for a few of the used sensors and every sensor detects more than one gas. One Sensor has a high sensitivity to one of those gases. In theory more gases then sensors available could be detected.

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