
PyBullet Simulation example

A project log for DIY hobby servos quadruped robot

Cheap 3D printed 4 legged robot, that almost looks like boston dynamics spot but moves like a newborn.

miguel-ayuso-parrillaMiguel Ayuso Parrilla 09/15/2020 at 13:060 Comments

This log i'm going to talk about the simulation used for the robot development, this was mostly used for debugging the maths inside the the different models.

The code of the simulation is no longer implemented in the Raspberry code, as it can't support GUI mode and i'm not taking data from PyBullet environment. The code i am referring to is at the V1_PCsimulation branch of the robot GitHub repository.

This code can be ran with the robot just plugging the arduino to the PC via USB and run the file, all requirements at

But if you don't have the robot built, you can run just the simulation a play along with the robot inside the PyBullet environment. Also feel free to modify it and improve it.

You just need PyBullet and Numpy on Python 3, then download the V1_PCsimulation branch and run

More info of how the simulation works shown in the next video:

Now, i'm going to breightly explain the main code of the simulation, here is shown:

Created on Sun Mar 15 19:51:40 2020
@author: linux-asd

import pybullet as p
import numpy as np
import time
import pybullet_data
from pybullet_debuger import pybulletDebug  
from kinematic_model import robotKinematics
from gaitPlanner import trotGait

"""Connect to rhe physics client, you can choose GUI or DIRECT mode"""
physicsClient = p.connect(p.GUI)#or p.DIRECT for non-graphical version
p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) #optionally
"""set Gravity"""

"""import the robot's URDF file, if it is fixed no ground plane is needed""" 
cubeStartPos = [0,0,0.2]
FixedBase = False #if fixed no plane is imported
if (FixedBase == False):
boxId = p.loadURDF("4leggedRobot.urdf",cubeStartPos, useFixedBase=FixedBase)

jointIds = []
paramIds = [] 
"""get info along all the joints for debugging if needed"""
for j in range(p.getNumJoints(boxId)):
#    p.changeDynamics(boxId, j, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0)
    info = p.getJointInfo(boxId, j)
    jointName = info[1]
    jointType = info[2]
footFR_index = 3
footFL_index = 7
footBR_index = 11
footBL_index = 15   

"""init the classes used"""
pybulletDebug = pybulletDebug()
robotKinematics = robotKinematics()
trot = trotGait() 

#robot properties
"""initial foot position"""
#foot separation (Ydist = 0.16 -> tetta=0) and distance to floor
Xdist = 0.20
Ydist = 0.15
height = 0.15
"""This matrix will define where the feet are going to be at its standing position
with respect the center of the robot"""
#body frame to foot frame vector
bodytoFeet0 = np.matrix([[ Xdist/2 , -Ydist/2 , -height],
                         [ Xdist/2 ,  Ydist/2 , -height],
                         [-Xdist/2 , -Ydist/2 , -height],
                         [-Xdist/2 ,  Ydist/2 , -height]])
"""Gait definition parameters, here you can set different period of step and
the offset between every foot's loop, defining different gaits"""
T = 0.5 #period of time (in seconds) of every step
offset = np.array([0.5 , 0. , 0. , 0.5]) #defines the offset between each foot step in this order (FR,FL,BR,BL)

"""start a real time simulation, so no simulation steps are needed"""
    lastTime = time.time()
"""show sliders in the GUI"""
    pos , orn , L , angle , Lrot , T = pybulletDebug.cam_and_robotstates(boxId)  
    #calculates the feet coord for gait, defining length of the step and direction (0º -> forward; 180º -> backward)
    bodytoFeet = trot.loop(L , angle , Lrot , T , offset , bodytoFeet0)

#####   kinematics Model: Input body orientation, deviation and foot position    ####
#####   and get the angles, neccesary to reach that position, for every joint    ####
    FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles, BL_angles , transformedBodytoFeet = robotKinematics.solve(orn , pos , bodytoFeet)
"""move all joints at the next time step angle"""
    #move movable joints
    for i in range(0, footFR_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL, FR_angles[i - footFR_index])
    for i in range(footFR_index + 1, footFL_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL, FL_angles[i - footFL_index])
    for i in range(footFL_index + 1, footBR_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL, BR_angles[i - footBR_index])
    for i in range(footBR_index + 1, footBL_index):
        p.setJointMotorControl2(boxId, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL, BL_angles[i - footBL_index])
#    print(time.time() - lastTime)
