
PdM industrial smart sensor

Predictive maintenance tool preventing failures and wasting of material

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PdM industrial smart sensor will be designed for industrial environmental needs. It will contain an accelerator sensor, gyroscope sensor and temperature sensor. All of these sensors will provide data for a precise analysis of the machine condition.
1️⃣ the accelerator data will be processed and the RMS values of velocity, displacement and acceleration calculated
2️⃣ the temperature data will be analysed to detect temperature cycles
3️⃣ the gyroscope data will get correct placement information and along with the accelerometer will serve as a vibro-diagnostical tool.

1. What planet-changing IoT project do you want to build? - "Save sources, avoid wasting!"
2. Which Cypress PSoC® 6 Kit - CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT
3. How will you use AWS IoT or other cloud services in your project? - The PdM sensor itself provides data and uploads them into AWS where all advanced statistics is being done.
4. What is your experience leve

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