
osMate: An Open Source Mate Soda

Mate flavored sodas, like the well known Club Mate, are hard to come by in the US. We thought that needed to change.

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After getting addicted to mate based sodas like Club Mate and Flora Power, the lack of availability of them in the US meant I had to look elsewhere to get my fix. I started brewing my own Mate based soda at Pumping Station: One in Chicago in February 2019. In 2020 I began work on launching a craft soda brewery called The osMate Soda Company, to produce an Open Source mate soda in the US. I intend to share not only my soda recipes, but also what I learn about launching a food production business in the United States, here on Hackaday.
  • 3 × Cups Yerba Mate Tea Leaves
  • 3 × Cups Dark Brown Sugar
  • 5 × Gallons of Water

  • HOPE Conference Video (2020) Live and Plans to be at Teardown 2025 in Portland!

    Joe M.01/20/2025 at 06:54 0 comments

    Hey all, it has been a long time since I have updated anything here, and unfortunately a long time since I have worked on the osMate project at all, but I'm planning to put some more effort into it this year and am hoping to bring it to CrowdSupply's Teardown event this June.

    I also wanted to share that I just discovered the workshop video from HOPE 2020 has been live on youtube for 4 years, but I never realized. If anyone wants to go back and watch that workshop you can find it here: 

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  • 1
    These instructions are to make a single 5 Gallon (19L) Corny-keg batch of osMate
  • 2
    Boil 2.5 Gallons (9.5 Liters) of Water

    Put 2.5 Gallons (9.5 Liters) of water in a large pot and cover. Allow to come to a boil.

  • 3
    Steep Tea

    Take water off the heat. Steep the mate tea leaves in a strainer bag. Allow to steep for 7-10 mins.

View all 8 instructions

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Tom Nardi wrote 07/31/2020 at 17:06 point

Saw your talk about this during the HOPE stream, was glad to see that you had a page here for the project. Is the recording of that workshop available online somewhere yet?

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Joe M. wrote 07/31/2020 at 23:22 point

Hey Tom, thanks for coming to the HOPE workshop! I don't have the recording online yet, but will put it up here and on my website when I get it.

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