
HOPE Conference Video (2020) Live and Plans to be at Teardown 2025 in Portland!

A project log for osMate: An Open Source Mate Soda

Mate flavored sodas, like the well known Club Mate, are hard to come by in the US. We thought that needed to change.

joe-mJoe M. 01/20/2025 at 06:540 Comments

Hey all, it has been a long time since I have updated anything here, and unfortunately a long time since I have worked on the osMate project at all, but I'm planning to put some more effort into it this year and am hoping to bring it to CrowdSupply's Teardown event this June.

I also wanted to share that I just discovered the workshop video from HOPE 2020 has been live on youtube for 4 years, but I never realized. If anyone wants to go back and watch that workshop you can find it here: 
