I chose the highest possible oscilator frequency of 1200khz. Many chinese designs feature no output LC filter which may result in power losses and lower efficiency. Because of that I chose higher grade components that are included in the output filter. My design also includes a large heat spreder, whitch may come in handy when dealing with a version of the IC that has a bottom mounted heat pad. My design also include loads of vias at the adge of the PCB which take care of high frequency interference.The ampflifier is capable of delivering 50W to a singe channel load (4ohm).Gerber and 3d files are avalible on GitHub.https://github.com/s52mp/tpa3116d2
Github repository includes a schematics, gerber files and assembly component layout.
You can also order pcbs here: https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Tpa3116_2x50w_audio_amplifier_board.html
Visit my blog: http://maj.pavlin.si/
If you run into any trouble feel free to cantact me through my blog or e-mail: mp@v4.si