
Robot arms assembled

A project log for Drumming robot

MIDI drum machine to complement live electronic music

valVal 08/23/2021 at 15:290 Comments

This weekend I assembled the robot arms after custom actuator brackets came in from OSH Cut, and fasteners from Grainger.

This is kind of a major milestone on this project - casting these parts took a year. I did a photoshoot with a flower bouquet to mark the occasion:

(Str1ker is the name of this robot)

The next tasks will be:

- More research on tracking arm positions. Found and ordered a few more potentiometers designed to be used with servos. Still not happy with the best I found last year, and not sure if I need to build them myself.

- Continue finishing the arm parts. They still need more polishing and grinding for best fit, and then sent for chrome plating.

- Finish the head and neck design, figure out what actuators are needed, and order them along with the head parts.

- Prototype robot vision. I got this started already, but my Arducam board misbehaved again so I need to order another one.
