

A project log for aStrA : Aligned Strings format with attributes

Developing a more flexible pointer and structure format that solves POSIX and Cs historical problems.

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 05/19/2020 at 16:310 Comments

Any technology has a "preferred" or "appropriate" application domain/range. The aligned string format has been thought to address needs that arise when dealing with ASCII-Z strings during mundane operations, mainly POSIX API and other low level operations that must remain lightweight.

It is meant to be "somewhat" compatible with POSIX but would ideally replace it (if I had the chance to redo it all over). This is why the trailing NUL is "optional" : recommended for ease and compatibility for working with Linux for example, but would be dropped in later implementations.

It is not meant as an internal representation format for language because memory management is not considered (though it could be used when encapsulated with pointers, reference counts and other necessary attributes)

The fundamental element is the 8-bits byte, or uint8_t in today's C. This deals with ASCII and UTF-8 only. But since the proposed format deals nicely with NUL chars inside the string, this is not inherently limited to text.

The "lightweight" aspect is important : the code must run on microcontrollers (where the usual POSIX string.h is considered a nuisance)

The most frequently used string function is xxprintf() which internally often performs string concatenation with variable formats. Otherwise we would use write() directly, right ?

strlen() is a nuisance : it shouldn't have to exist, at least as an O(n) function.

To prevent buffer overflows, sprintf() must not be used when coding defensively (the default approach, normally). This is why we have the snprintf() variant and its siblings, but they give the result after the fact ! So we must allocate a potentially large buffer, check the result and eventually resize the buffer. If we had the length before the concatenation, we would check early for overflow then directly allocate the right buffer size.

Concatenation is one of the most frequent operations on strings because we often need to join several fields to create a message, for example to display the respective value of several numbers or even build the header of a HTTP packet.

Wikipedia describes many operations :

but their significance differs substantially from a text processor for example. The typical POSIX functions perform them with close O(n) costs but a binary tree structure is naturally a more appropriate higher-level representation. This is why the aligned strings are only the lower layer of a string system and only few operations are performed on them (those that allow the above list to be implemented).

To conserve memory and speed, operations must be performed in place as much as possible. Moving blocks around is painful. With the aligned strings, it's even more important because the alignment is critical. Fortunately it is easy to re-align the start of a string by splitting it and fixing/using the appropriate alignment and size in the small prefix block that is generated.

Str8 and Str16 are a subset of the 4 possible LSB codes. If we want to design a practical binary tree system, the pointer itself must say if it points to a node or a leaf... so we then have 2 variants :

The difference between aStr and uStr is only at the syntactical level because the representation is the same but it prevents confusion and hints the type checker of the compiler that there is a potential incompatibility (that can be bypassed by a cast if needed).     

To be continued...

