
The canary is singing.

A project log for aStrA : Aligned Strings format with attributes

Developing a more flexible pointer and structure format that solves POSIX and Cs historical problems.

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 09/09/2024 at 01:270 Comments

This time, I create a full program to both serve as regression/test as well as examples for potential users who wonder "how do I do this ?" (not just a pair of small examples). I want to test all the corner cases. Already, several preprocessor issues have been raised and I fortunately found solutions, which makes the code even better.

The archive contains a way to write to stdout without printf:

write(0, (void*)s3, aStrA_length_fast(s3));

It will be integrated in more code for concision but you see the central idea of the format: it might look a bit more cumbersome than traditional C but it leaves no space for interpretation.

Now all the types 1 and 2 have a canary that uses the place of the NULL terminator, and the value is defined at compile time. It was a pain to deal with it because it is required to be in octal format and then transformed as a valid string and a C literal. Fun times but it works with almost no drawback (just be aware that string constants will still have NULL terminator because I can't find a way to prevent the compiler from doing it).

Now the canary sings, it's only a matter of discipline to check it regularly, before bugs snowball. It will sound easier to simply forget it, for the sake of speed and compactness, and trust all the data but canary checks would be performed by the library.
