You Will Need Some ComponentsArduino Nano LCD module VR 5 Resistance 10kAdapter 5VAbout This ProjectThis is an automatic Transistor Tester, to identify pinout and characteristics of various discrete semiconductors ( Transistors NPN, PNP, ). It's also evaluating resistors, capacitors, inductances, etc... The original project was written in a mix of C and AVR Assembly Code for AVR gcc tooling AVR Studio.Most Arduino UNO Starter Kits contain the necessary components ( UNO R3 board, 1602 LCD, push buttons, Breadboard, Jumper wires, resistors ).This project makes also Arduino open source, open hardware philosophy look better, because the previously.Hex files for Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560 provided from the Transistor Tester original project was not putting Arduino
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