After a bit of hassle with steamy glasses, I tried to find something to fix to the bit that goes over my nose, to try and stop the air going straight up past the oversized protuberance in the middle of my face. Dammit XD

I realised that the Avery label stuck to tissue would form over that pretty well, so I added a section on top of the membrane to cover the nose as well. This worked so well first time I'm going to leave that alone lol.
I printed off a couple of test patterns...

This took literally a couple of minutes to make!
Here's How:
First, the materials. You'll need either 1 square of kitchen towel or two rectangles of the economy type joined together for the shell.
Four squares of toilet tissue, or two multiply tissues. You'll need a thick wodge of filter for the air to get through.
1 Avery label printed template.
2 Rubber Bands. These need to be thin, if you have the larger type they can be cut along the middle to make two from one. Thats what I did here, if you're buying these in get the thin ones.
1 Face, preferably without glasses or Coronavirus.
Fold the kitchen towel in half and place the tissue filter in the middle of the lower half, fold the top half down over it.
Fold the top third downward, and the bottom third upwards, then fold each of those back up and down in halves. This makes two concertina's on the top and bottom edges.
Making the concertina.
They are opposite each other, this makes a pouch out of the middle when it is opened out.
Peel off the end of the Avery first, then hold the rubber band in a fold of one end. Make sure that the smooth side is facing up, its the outside and you dont want any poky corners itching your face - the seams are external for this reason.
Stick down the end of the Avery lining up with the edge of the mask so it traps the rubber band in the loop.
Peel off the rest of the backing, then trap the other rubber band.
And smooth the label over the entire surface, making sure its stuck down well especially on the ends.
Leaving the nose bridge piece untouched, and not stuck to anything yet, hook one band over an ear.
Hook the other end over, then mould the Avery onto the edge over your nose. You'll have to scrunch it a bit to make it fit right, but once its done its nice and comfy, and seals the gaps beside your nose a bit better than without. I have to say, even with commercial dust masks with that little metal strip, you still get a bit of fog on glasses. Its a consequence of being a four-eyed git, even plastic lenses fog up a bit.
Enjoy a Coronavirus-free existence until there's a vaccine.
Fantastic work :-)