To solve this, I propose an autonomous caretaking cum health-tracking cum SOS beacon. The system would attach to the disabled`s arm and log health parameters critical to the patient like heart rate for a heart patient and blood oxygen for an asthma patient. If an anomaly is found, the relative is immediately informed while he/she is away.
The temperature and humidity is also logged and the data polled to control room ventilation automatically by sending messages to actuator nodes in a similar manner as the notifications. A button on the module helps send SOS messages.
Further, to follow a strict medication plan, a pill dispenser mounted on the arm module that helps administer pills at the right time according to a schedule made on the mobile app.
The module would be in the form of an arm band with the PSoC 6 WiFI/BT Prototyping kit as the main controller. It is interfaced with the sensor shield, a heart rate monitor, a CO2 sensor and an oximeter. The logged data about the critical parameter of interest is sent to the AWS DynamoDB in real time throuhgh a WiFi network to the AWS cloud. If an anomaly is found, the relative is immediately informed by the module which sends a notification to AWS IoT Events and to a web app made on NodeRed that in turn links with a mobile app. SOS messages on a button press are sent similarly.
The logged app data is accessible to relatives and doctors on AWS IoT Core with all analysis in the cloud. The medication schedule is controlled by a plan configured through the app to administer drugs at the right time through a pill dispenser module made of a simple servo mechanism. Further, the environmental data logged is used to open or close windows in the room by servos again.
The benefits are many for the patients as well as their family members. Family members could easily go about doing things in their personal lives without worrying about patients at home. If an emergency arises they are immediately informed which takes away much of the anxiety. Also, doctors can use the data to treat patients more effectively. The same setup may also be used to monitor and feed fish in an aquarium or a pet at home while on a beach trip or a shopping spree.
Who am I???
I am a sophomore at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi with a knack for robotics and automation. I have made several robots in the past and am interested in wireless communication. I have used NRF52840 and ESP32 boards in the past and am quite experienced now. I would love to try my hand at the PSoC development kit
Component List
- PSoC 6 WiFI/BT Prototyping kit
- SErvo motors
- Co2 sensor
- Oximeter module
- DHT11 temp and humidity module
- Relay
- pill box
- Arm band
- Push button
- SD Card
I chose to go with the Prototyping kit as it supports AWS FreeRTOS and has double the RAM which is always useful as it is a critical health application and lots of data is being put on the network. If network is lost, data can easily be stored locally on the SD card.
- NodeRed
- Modbus Toolbox
- ArduinoIDE
- Android Studio