
Project Journal

A project log for SC84 computer

Collection of information and attempts to recreate the firmware

keithKeith 03/20/2021 at 15:290 Comments


Started project.


Wim Verstrepen joins the project. He has a working machine.


Wim uploaded binary images of the CPU and VDU ROM. Hex dump of the CPU ROM exposed a couple of errors in my newsletter OCR (E with bottom missing wrongly guessed be F, and an 8 was misread as a B). The code starts to differ significantly after about $0x065B, so I assume they are two different versions. Thus I cannot verify the rest of the newsletter version. The good news is that a known-good working version has been captured for posterity. Three cheers and beers to Wim!


Wim uploaded some excellent high-res photos of the board set. These now replace the low-quality magazine scan pictures.

I need to find out how to have more then six pictures in the gallery. Other people have more, so it is possible.
