

A girl is standing on the balcony, admired for her beauty and innocence. Golden-Black edition is here.

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Juliet appears on the balcony and thinking she's alone, reveals in a soliloquy her love for Romeo. That is a famous scene in the second act of the play. The balcony lets Juliet out, as it invites Romeo in.

BalconyJuliet is a piece of PCB art. She is standing on the balcony, admired for her beauty and innocence. "To find and discover and fear not a single loss, yet something stirs within here. A burgeoning desire if you will, be it truth or circumstance."

This Golden-black edition is bit larger than the purple one. With a pair of M3 Hexagon spacers, BalconyJuliet could stand on the desk as a decoration. Or use it as a bookmark.

Tech Specs (Golden-Black edition)
* SolderMask: Black
* SilkScreen: White
* Size: 33mm x 66mm (width x height)
* Finish: Lead-free Golden ENIG

With a pair of M3 Hexagon spacers, BalconyJuliet could stand on the desk as a decoration.

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