Stands printed, crossovers installed and some foam stuck to the base. Photo taken - and done.
Then lots of tweaking and more faffing about with dampening. After a few days I'd started to notice the port output had too high a Q. Very slightly like someone attempting to over emphasise the bass frequencies of their voice. Cured with a little low density foam in the end of the line.
Oh do they sound good, with a flat (compared to any other speakers I've owned), from a little over 100 Hz, well passed the 12 kHz I can her up to and all the way to a (pointless) 20 kHz. Most impressive is the clarity of voice. The crossover is around 4 kHz, so well above the maximum for talking/singing - so there's no phase issues or energy storage going on there to smear the output. Obviously these are not any use for bass heavy music. That's not their point. They've very easy to listen to and great for their purpose - PC speakers.
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