
BER Tests

A project log for VUHF Radio

A dual band VHF/UHF module based around two AX5043 radios. Built to work with HAM Radio communications using AFSK and G3RUH modulations.

notblackmagicNotBlackMagic 06/21/2020 at 19:420 Comments

During this week I performed some BER testing on the transceiver for both AFSK-1200 and GMSK-9600 in UHF and VHF. In UHF the results were great with both modulations having a BER over 10-5 with input power above -105 dBm. For VHF, the results were not so good, with a BER over 10-5 only achieved with input power over -95 dBm, for both modulations. I am not sure why this is, and it requires further testing.

The effect of increasing the receiver bandwidth on the BER was also tested and it is very noticeable, as is expected. The BER decreases about 10-1 for each doubling of the receiver bandwidth, this with input power of -105 dBm.

Full results are available on my website at the bottom of the page.
