
Opensource Mechanical Ventilator

3D printed mechanical ventilator using easily sourced resuscitation bags and common hobby electrical components.

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This is a 3D printed Arduino-controlled, 12V high-torque servo driven mechanical ventilator using a linear acutator to compress an easily sourced bag valve mask. The main goal of this project is (if not producing a validated piece of medical equipment) to get more people invovled in looking into and opening up the accessibility of essential medical equipment.

Parts List 

Arduino Uno (or compatible board)
Servo, high-torque 25kg-cm
Power Supply (5V, 4A)
Jumper wires
Screw terminals (x2)
2 potentiometers (10K)
20mm PVC pipe, 1m (cut into x6 235mm sections)
M3 nuts and bolts ( lengths: 10mm, 15mm)
M4 nuts and bolts (lengths: 20mm)

Arduino Code (for quick copying/pasting) 

/* Ventilator Control
 *  Uses Sweep as starting code
 *  This example code is in the public domain.
 *  modified 8 Nov 2013
 *  by Scott Fitzgerald
 *  modified 25 Apr 2020
 *  by Wayne Smythe
 *  modified 1 Jun 2020 
 *  by Brian Berletic
 *  servo pauses between delays in the resting position rather than compressing the bag
 *  Requirements: 2 adjusting knobs
 *  Air Volume Selection: 25%, 33%, 50%, 75%, 100% - determined by servo end position
 *  Rate of Compression: 6, 10, 14, 18, 24 cycles per minute (determined by delay)
 *  This requires 2 variable resistors connected to 5V and GND and to ANALOG IN pins 0 and 1 - I used 10K

#include <Servo.h>
#define DEBUG 1
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo

int pos = -70; // default -70: initialize the servo start position
int RateDelay = 2000; // default 2000: The delay used between strokes
int StopPosition = 150; //default 150: The stop position of the servo determining the volume of air 

int potpinVol = 0; // analog pin used to connect the 10K potentiometer for volume
int potpinRate = 1; // analog pin used to connect the 10K potentiometer for rate

int val0; //variable to read the value from the analog pin
int val1; // variable to read the value from the analog pin

void setup() {

  #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.begin(9600); // BaudRate for debug
  myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

void loop(){

/* Number of Compressions per Minute
 *  rate of compression: 6, 10, 14, 18, 24, cycles per minute
 *  read the position of the Rate knob to determine the rate
  val1 = analogRead(potpinRate); // reads the value of the potentiometer
  val1 = map(val1, 0, 1023, 0, 100);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("\t Delay map value = ");

  if (val1>=0 && val1<=20)
    RateDelay = 10000; // default 10000
  else if(20<val1 && val1<=40)
    RateDelay = 6000; // default 6000
  else if(40<val1 && val1<=60)
    RateDelay = 4286; // default 4286
  else if(60<val1 && val1<=80)
    RateDelay = 1500; // default 3333
    RateDelay = 1000; // default 2500
  #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("\n RateDelay = ");
  val0 = analogRead(potpinVol);
  #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("\t pot value = ");

  val0 = map(val0, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
  #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("\t map value = ");

  if (val0>=0 && val0<=36)
    StopPosition = 30;
  else if(36<val0 && val0<=72)
    StopPosition = 60;
  else if(72<val0 && val0<=108)
    StopPosition = 90;
  else if(108<val0 && val0<=144)
    StopPosition = 120;
    StopPosition = 170;
  #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("\n Stop Position = ");

  for (pos = -70; pos <= StopPosition; pos += 1) { // goes from 0 to 180 degrees

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  • Overview of Ventilator Project (+VIDEO)

    ProgressTH05/30/2020 at 19:42 0 comments

    May 31, 2020 | ProgressTH While this project currently isn't linked to any specific healthcare institution, to bring it to completion it will have to be evaluated and approved by medical professionals. 

    Currently we have a prototype; a locally made Arduino Uno-compatible microcontroller controlled, servo-driven linear actuator designed to compress a bag valve mask (BVM).  

    BVMs are those resuscitation bags paramedics can be seen squeezing manually while bringing patients to hospitals where they're hooked up more permanently to a mechanical ventilator.

    By making the BVM automated/mechanical, an extremely low-cost mechanical ventilator can be made. 

    Don't believe a BVM can keep a patient alive for an extended period of time? Check out this story of a man in China whose family kept him alive for 5 years using one. They had one they took turns manually squeezing and when they had access to electricity, a crude mechanical device that squeezed one for them. 

    The idea is to create a more reliable and functional version of an automated BVM, including options to change the rate of compression as well as the depth of each compression (to adjust the volume of air delivered).  

    Other prototypes developed by other teams have used a similar approach regarding the use of BVMs to create a cheap, already tested means of actually delivering air, leaving the automation of compressions for designers to solve. 

    The video below covers the main concepts and features of this system. Since making the video we've included control knobs, a control panel, a cooling fan for a permanent 5V 4A power supply, and eyelets for a strap to carry the ventilator (all of which can be seen in the picture at the top of the article). 

     Look for updates on our blog here, on Thingiverse, or Cults3D

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