Yesterday I started designing the board for the Nerdiskerator-controller (See my thoughts about that here:
During this I also provided a slot for a micro SD card, for example to be able to save log files on it. It occurred to me that it is somehow a shame to use this SD card only to stuff it with .csv files. Especially if the development of WinDIY is largely completed, this SD card slot would be largely useless.
So I got the idea that WinDIY could not only be used to provide energy.
With the help of the SD card slot, WinDIY could also be used to provide information locally and independently of other infrastructure.
Since I plan to use an ESP32 as the heart of the controller, WiFi functionality is already available anyway.
It would therefore be easy to install a web portal in the controller firmware that enables information to be uploaded and downloaded to the built-in SD card via WiFi.
Because the wind turbine should be installed at a high location/pile, WiFi reception would be good.
A couple of usecases I have in mind are the following:
- If WinDIY is used in disaster regions where communication has broken down, information could be disseminated in this way. For example, rules of conduct, survival tips, repair instructions and more.
- In isolated regions, information could be provided in this way that enables orientation. A WinDIY in Alaska could, for example, supply hikers who have strayed from the path with maps. Plus electricity for the possibly empty GPS or cell phone batteries. The information on the WinDIY hotspot could also include building instructions for a shelter or instructions for obtaining/treating drinking water. Also an overview of which local plants are edible (or not edible) would be helpful. Possibilities for making an emergency call could also be saved on it. If available, an emergency call via a Lora (relay) network could also be made in this way.
- In developing countries, the "WinDIY hotspot" (this could be the name of the function) could contain teaching materials that make teaching possible/easier for the people living around it. In this way information could be distributed free of charge (and internet connection).
- Of course, all information such as instructions, material lists and STL files would be included on the SD card in order to repair/maintain WinDIY or clone it.
In order to make it easier to read all this information, a manual consisting of pictograms and / or QR codes would be included at the base of WinDIY, which uses pictures to explain which information can be found here and, above all, how to get there.
What do you think about that? :)
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