
Choosing a Test Area

A project log for Open Sky Anchor WiFi Drone Brings The GIG

Mission "Wifi" Impossible > Bring Long Range 5G and 2.4 G WiFi Backed By A 1 Gigabit Fiber To The East Brainerd EF-3 Tornado Disaster area.

josh-starnesJosh Starnes 09/11/2020 at 03:110 Comments

I will be using a couple different areas for testing. I will need to move out to the country for one test and then testing the urban area i have chosen here. I have posted on my facebook looking for volunteers to get connected on the project.  This does not encompass there entirety of the disaster area, however we need to start somewhere with testing, so I picked a more conservative  area of space about 1/3 to start with.
