
All class members are still doing well

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2020

raising some tadpoles that I rescued from my ditch

mcunerdmcu_nerd 06/21/2020 at 14:120 Comments

Everyone so far appears to be doing well, They've grown quite a bit in these past few days, approaching around 2cm in length (excluding the newer class members that hatched on Saturday.) 

I decided to try out giving them romaine lettuce. I boiled it in the microwave and cut it up into small pieces.  The pieces ended up still being a bit to large for them to eat(but they were trying their hardest to eat it,) so I turned to a pestle and mortar that I had from a biology class years back and made it into a mush soup with some added water.  I transferred the mush using a dropper.  Thought I would give them another food choice in addition to the crushed turtle food and the existing algae.

And of course some photos of the class members in the order: Three Amigos, Bubbles(name I gave the one in the smaller mason jar, the one in the plant vase, and the new hatchlings.
