
A few things I forgot to mention

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2020

raising some tadpoles that I rescued from my ditch

mcunerdmcu_nerd 06/19/2020 at 11:570 Comments

First off, the tadpoles are about 1 cm in length.  They can't be more than 2-3 days old.  The ditch that I rescued them from was loaded with mosquito larvae. While it may have also been interesting to raise them and document; I didn't care for the idea of raising things that case me for blood. 

I'm thinking about trying out a live stream, but do to me not having a great upload speed, don't expect a great resolution.

The little fellas are still alive and well on day 2.  They did take interest in the roots of the plants that I stuck in the jar, will try to snap a photo of it later.
