
They might be showing early signs of back leg development, hard to tell though

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2020

raising some tadpoles that I rescued from my ditch

mcunerdmcu_nerd 07/23/2020 at 21:580 Comments

They're still growing.  They're all now a little bit over 4 weeks old.  Once again the Two Amigos weren't too camera shy (tried doing a recording of the Three Musketeers, but they decided to just hide in the debris on the bottom.)  Fun little story. When I was doing a water change on the Two Amigos' jar, they seemed to enjoy the current created by pouring in the replacement water. They didn't  really try to swim away and allowed themselves to go with the flow.  I've been noticing what appears to be Algae build-up on the sides of all of the jars, which is a bit annoying.  I've managed to clean some of it off during water changes.
