
Architecture with Sous Vide Revision 1

A project log for OpenFluidWarmer

a safe, low-cost IV fluid warmer solution; for when commercially available IV fluid warmers are too expensive or cannot be sourced

john-opsahlJohn Opsahl 10/13/2020 at 04:560 Comments

The first design stage of this project was to find a solution that was capable of the required thermal performance. During this stage the sous vide cooker solution was found. The focus of this next design stage is minimizing the number and severity of operator and patient safety hazards as well as minimizing opportunities for human error in the operating procedure.

The wiring diagram above depicts the first revisions from this second stage design effort. 

The big changes:

The main design challenge I am working through right now is on how to ensure that the operator submerges the correct length of IV tubing and to ensure that it remains submerged throughout operation. 

Most of the electronic components for this new architecture arrive this week. Hope to have a semi-operational assembly by this weekend.
