
Enclosure Prototype

A project log for OpenFluidWarmer

a safe, low-cost IV fluid warmer solution; for when commercially available IV fluid warmers are too expensive or cannot be sourced

john-opsahlJohn Opsahl 06/22/2020 at 23:100 Comments

I threw together a first iteration prototype of the enclosure today. It is comprised of a 250mm section of 3in diameter galvanized air duct, a male thread 3in PVC end cap, and a 3in compression pipe plug. The current plan is to mount the power switch and led indicator lights in the white PVC end cap. Eventually, I will create a permanent water tight seal between the white end cap and duct pipe. The red compression pipe plug is meant as a service port. It forms a water tight seal with the duct pipe when tightened and can easily be loosened in order to get access to the internal electronics for troubleshooting. 

For the highest flow rate, the tube will need to be wrapped around the entire length of the duct pipe. Testing is needed to further understand how many wraps around the duct are required for the lower flows. Certainly wrapping around the entire length is most energy efficient, but may use more tube length than desired or result in a higher than acceptable pressure drop from inlet to outlet. 

The silicone heater pads will wrap around the inside circumference of the metal duct pipe. Electronics will sit in the center core of the pipe (inside the wrapped silicone heater pads). I may route the 12V power supply connection through the duct pipe near the red compression pipe plug (with chord grips for a water tight seal).  
