
USB Type-C / PIC32 Breakout and Development Board

PIC32-based Full-Speed USB2.0 Type-C Board with +3.3V 1A LDO for Breadboarding and Prototyping

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The USB Type-C / PIC32 Breakout Board is a breadboarding and prototyping aid with firmware providing common functionality for a variety of general-purpose use-cases. The board aims to be a more flexible offering compared to the FT232-type breakout boards by incorporating a 32-bit PIC. The major design goal is plug-n-play for rapid prototyping without the need for an in-depth knowledge of USB or having to install custom drivers.

The chosen USB protocol for the stock firmware is _HID_ (Human Interface Device) because it is ubiquitous and does not require drivers or (significant) configuration of the Host to be up and running fast. It _should just work_.

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