
On the way to go

A project log for Chip timing for every running club!

A chip timing device to measure your time on trails/hiking, interfacing with a cellphone through bluetooth

clovis-fritzenClovis Fritzen 08/06/2014 at 19:490 Comments

Hello Guys,

I have been working on the C code for the project, and made some serious advances of it. I am being able to read the RFID tag and count a time, so it knows exactly when (in time) that exact card was read; It means that I am one step closer to the final system, that will control and log the runner's cards.

I am also being able to display the card ID and the time on a 16x2 LCD display, which is helping me debug the system.

Today is only August 6th, so we are really on schedule with the project. Expect some field tests for the next two weeks :)  . 
