New technologies can benefit fishers and fishery inspectors, the following diagram relates recent technologies and how they can solve common problems that affect the industry and causes ghost gear.

Ropeless Adaptations for Fishing Gear are devices that reduce the risk of entanglements with vertical lines and ground lines. The develop applications contain the buoy and the rope inside the device and only release them when the fishers decide to retrieve the gear.
Radio Beacons (Radio Buoys) are radio transmitters that emit signals at predetermined intervals.
Select-Call Radio Buoy are radio transmitters that only emit signals when it receives a specific signal from its owner.
GPS Buoys are radio buoys that contain a Global Positioning System (or other satellite sensors).
Coded Wire Tags are magnetize tags, they typically are 0.25 mm in diameter and 1.1 mm in length. They contain binary or decimal numbers and can be detected with microscopes and read under a microscope.
RFID Tags are transponders that use Radio Frequency Identification. They can carry 2 KB of data. They can be passive or active. The first ones require a reader that creates an electromagnetic field; the second use a battery and can create their own field.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automatic ship position and tracking system that has been used by Vessels, port authorities and maritime security. They use VHF radio frequency channels.
Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) are devices created with the purpose to attract fish.
Echo Sounder Buoys use multi-frequency echo sounders for wider range detection of fish under and around the buoys.
Light Markers are devices that use light to indicate position of the gear at night. Also, different light signals are used to attract fish.
Acoustic Beacons/Pingers are transponders that continuously emit sounds at certain frequencies and are used for position marking underwater. Hydrophones are used to receive and the detect sound signals.
Passive Sonar Reflectors are devices that can enhance or reduce reflectivity of objects underwater. They are used for position marking.
Weak links are an existing solution of attachments from lines to buoys that can break under certain amount of force.
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