
Aquarium Monitoring System - 3G/4G/IoT/AWS

If our pollution adversely affects the environment, then, it's our responsibility to protect the environment, humans, plants, and animals

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An aquarium is a vivarium of any size having at least one transparent side in which aquatic plants or animals are kept and displayed. Fishkeepers use aquaria to keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, aquatic reptiles such as turtles, and aquatic plants.

Life in water requires certain conditions of humidity, temperature, pressure, etc., in order to survive properly. Humans, when we alter living conditions, then we annihilate life and we are not responsible of our actions. In this project I demonstrate that it's possible to use our technologies to monitor and protect life in water, aquariums, rivers, lagoons and seas. I've used the following technologies: Amazon Web Services, Soracom Air Global IoT SIM, and Seeed Wio LTE US version 4G.

The term "aquarium", coined by English naturalist Philip Henry Gosse, combines the Latin root aqua, meaning water, with the suffix -arium, meaning "a place for relating to". The aquarium was launched in early Victorian England by Gosse, who created and stocked the first public aquarium at the London Zoo in 1853, and published the first manual, The Aquarium: An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea in 1854. An aquarium is a water-filled tank in which fish swim about. Small aquariums are kept in the home by hobbyists. There are larger public aquariums in many cities. This kind of aquarium is a building with fish and other aquatic animals in large tanks. A large aquarium may have otters, turtles, dolphins, and other sea animals. This project I will carry out in a turtle aquarium of 75x45x35 cm.


  1. The DHT11 sensor, will measures the temperature and humidity of the environment of our aquarium.
  2. The SRF04 sensor, will measures the distance from our sensor to the water in our aquarium, and so we can have an idea of the level water.
  3. The ADXL345 sensor, will detects the vibrations of our air pump, or when our turtles are in motion.
  4. We are going to use Beam method, and the data will transmitt from the Wio LTE board to the end point of Beam on a 3G/4G/LTE closed network, communication encrypted and the data can be safely delivered to the Amazon Web Services.

To well the understanding of this project, we have divided it into the following sections

  5. AWS IoT
  7. AMAZON SageMaker

You can see my complete project at:


Schematic diagram

JPEG Image - 69.07 kB - 07/03/2020 at 04:44


  • 1 × SORACOM Air Global IoT SIM
  • 1 × Seeed Wio LTE US Version - 4G
  • 1 × Seeed Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger
  • 1 × Seeed Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±16g Ultra-low Power (BMA400)
  • 1 × Seeed Grove - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor (BME680)

View all 8 components


    Guillermo Perez Guillen08/22/2020 at 18:21 0 comments

    This project begins by justifying its economic viability, and we have asked ourselves several questions: Is it possible to manufacture and sell it? Who are the possible consumers? Where to sell it? Where to distribute it? Will this product be economically successful?

    With cellular connectivity, there is a cost associated with the data usage. This submission considered on cost effectiveness and also ability to scale production to 1000s of devices. We are going to associate with the exporter or wholesaler of the commercial aquarium service in our country. In this way we will ensure that our product reaches the consumer. Ornamental fish market linkage exists between buyers and sellers as well as domestic and international market. Wholesaler usually sells the fishes to local retailers and in turn, retailers directly sales to local customers, hobbyists etc. In this direction, in order to develop market for aquarium business service, there is need to studying consumer preference and existing marketing strategies, adopted by aquarists.

    In 2006, according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Export earnings from ornamental fish trade is US $ 251 million and more than 60% of the production comes from households of developing countries. The wholesale value of the global ornamental fish trade is estimated to be US $ 14 Billion. More than 2500 species of ornamental fishes are traded and some 30-35 species of fresh water dominate the market. The top exporting country is Singapore, followed by Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Indonesia and India. The largest importer of ornamental fish is USA. Europe and Japan, China and South Africa are the emerging markets of ornamental fish trade.

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  • 1
    Software apps and online services:
    • Amazon Web Services AWS IoT
    • Amazon Web Services AWS IAM
    • SORACOM Beam - Data Transfer Support
    • Arduino IDE
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • Python 2.7
  • 2
    Hand tools and fabrication machines:
    • Aquarium
    • Aquarium Air Pump

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Guillermo Perez Guillen wrote 08/30/2020 at 19:30 point

I've solved the problem: develop an aquarium monitoring system that can check the humidity, temperature, water level and the aquarium vibrations, through the Internet of things and using cheap hardware.

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Guillermo Perez Guillen wrote 08/23/2020 at 03:37 point

This project will alleviate the problem of endangered marine species. Creating technological tools in aquariums, lagoons, rivers, seas, fish farming areas, ecological reserves, etc.

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Guillermo Perez Guillen wrote 08/23/2020 at 02:58 point

This project addresses the challenge of "Conservation X Labs", and complies with what is indicated on the official website:

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