I got into RC Cars, and had managed a nitro methane RC Car for some time. With not as many repair options available out of the city I sold it but I followed with an interest in Arduino that I had discovered with the same source that had sold me the RC Car, and I even learned about open source coding with a learning module. I read a book written by the microcontroller's creator but never really got the idea enough to write out my own programming, beyond what really was provided in examples and the IDE.
I was working with codes that were shared, and I want for the ideas represented here to be suggestive, and figurative for things that could be rendered by other users, while simultaneously attributing to the security of being innovative, none of my work currently patent pending or being manufactured. It is exemplary of interconnectedness of several mediums, and programming that include the electronics of the RC Car, as well as the programming capabilities of the microcontroller.