Next to test was 2 classic budget ICs: TDA1543A and TDA1545A. Unfortunately, despite the time spent i failed to make them work properly. I suspect that they could be fakes, since i got them from chinese platform for a price of € 1,6 per 5 pieces, giving € 0,30 a piece. I have no plans to buy them from trusted supplier, since then price leaven no senso of using them in low-budget projects.
Data format: left justified, stereo output
Ouput: high-impedance, biased, requires output driver
Price: ~€0.30 per unit
So lets call them replicas of TDA154X and see how output looks like. I've connected both according to original's datasheet, input still the same: mono wav file generated by esp8266 module using ESP8266Audio library modified for LJ format, industry standard 44.1Khz sampling rate.
TDA1545A, no output filters, 2KHz

TDA1545A, no output filters, 10KHz

Input signal is visible, so i guess data format is OK. However waveform is so messed up, i can't be bothered to connect it to amp and speakers.
TDA1543A, no output filters, any signal

I failed to make it work really, it looks like input format is wrong, even it is ok for TDA1545, and they suppose to have same input format. So nothing I really could say about that.
I tried few different ICs, from same seller however, so makes not much sense to expect a difference.
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