

A project log for Sound Processing Shield for Arduino

Add reverb and other effects to a mike input, and have it ready on a speaker output

bobgreenwadebobgreenwade 12/18/2020 at 16:170 Comments

As of today, I have 91 Followers for this Project. I just thought I'd mention that, since 91 is my favorite number (the explanation of that would be too long to go into here).

On another note, some of you Followers may have noticed a lack of progress here. For one thing, I've had to change apartments -- another long tale, and mostly irrelevant other than how it took up the money I might've spent on the prototype board. For another, the other components I got for my larger voice-changer project -- Arduino board, battery charger, and touchscreen -- are stubbornly not working, and I need them just to test the Sound Processing Shield.

At the end of this month, I'm going to get an alternative for the board, to address a couple of possible issues. That'll take a little while to implement, so it'll be late January at best, and more likely some time in February, before I can send off for the prototype (which of course will take a few weeks to arrive).
