Darkroom safelights are expensive. About £20 for a bulb, which could smash. About £25 for an enclosure with a small and weird bulb that can also smash.
And these are the cheap options! You can spend rather a lot of money on darkroom safelights.
If I have convinced you that darkroom safelights are expensive, let me introduce you to darkroom timers.
A darkroom timer plugs into an enlarger (a fancy torch) and turns it off after a certain amount of time. Pretty basic, right?
It turns out these can retail for £85+ which strikes me as being fairly silly.
This gubbin fixes all that - it has four timers (one for enlarging, three for dev/stop/fix), and controls both safelights and the enlarger too. It uses a little piezo buzzer to bleep the seconds away when the safelight is off or when I'm looking at something else at the time.