UPA68HA is a N-Channel Silicon Dual Junction Field Effect transistor with differential amplifier properties and characteristics. It is used in the dual fabricated designed simulated electronic devices based on its electrical properties and switching characteristics. The Field Effect Transistor UPA68HA is highly suitable or the top stage stereo main amplifier circuits because of its high breakdown voltage and simulation characteristics.
Utsource UPA68HA Integrated Circuit
The absolute maximum ratings and electrical properties of UPA68HA N-Channel FET are extensively used for switching in high-load voltage experiments and applications. The stereo amplifiers and power amplifier electronic circuits also give compatible fabricated design and modulation to the device.
UPA68HA Key Features:
- Shows high breakdown voltage
- Stereo amplifiers circuit modulation
- Frequency modulation and designed
- Single power source circuit
- Relay module power based system
UPA68HA Pinout configuration and Top View:
The pinout configuration of the UPA68HA FET is shown in below with respective pinout terminals and functioning operation
UPA68HA Pinout Configuration
The pinning information of the FET UPA68HA is listed below, please have a look
Pin number | Pin name | Pin description |
Pin 1 | Drain Pin | The drain pin is used for the charge flow regulation |
Pin 2 | Ground Pin | Ground pin neutral pin of FET |
Pin 3 | Source Pin | The source pin is simulated pin |
Pin 4 | Substrate Pin | It is high potential charge carrier pin |
Pin 5 | Second Source pin | Same as previous source pin |
Pin 6 | Second Ground Pin | Same function of ground pin |
Pin 7 | Second Drain Pin | Same function of drain pin |
So this is the basic pinning function and terminal configuration of UPA68HA. The source, ground, drain, and the substrate pins of the FET make it easily compatible.
Applications of UPA68HA:
UPA68HA Differential Amplifier Electronic Circuit
- Used in differential amplifiers
- Stereo amplifiers
- Junction over load terminal configuration circuits
UPA68HA Alternatives/Replacement/Substitute/Complementary:
If you are unable to find the replacement, substitute or an alternative of UPA68HA then you can also use replacement. The alternative of UPA68HA is UPA68
UPA68HA Part Number Equivalent:
The part number equivalent of the FET UPA68HA is UPA68
The N-Channel Silicon Dual Junction field-effect transistor is used as differential amplifiers and extensively fabricated in a wide range of electronics and engineering applications. The high breakdown voltage and power regulation modulation makes it more stable for the terminal configuration and compatible fabrication on the board.