
Initial Background Study

A project log for CBobby

Design and Development of an Underwater Explosion Detection Robot for Monitoring Dynamite Fishing in the Philippines

ifthekhar-ahammadifthekhar ahammad 08/30/2020 at 19:370 Comments

23/03/2018 (tentative) --- the primary research concept was selected and based on that few background study was performed to understand the current status of the problem and probable solution for it. At that time these main literatures were found as a proof of concept:

  1. Showen, R. L. (Los A. C., Calhoun, R. B. (Oberlin, O. and Dunham, J. W. (San F. C. (2009) ‘Acoustic location of gunshots using combined angle of arrival and time of arrival measurements’. Available at: (Accessed: 30 August 2020).
  2. Woodman, G., Wilson, S., Li, V. and Renneberg, R., 2003. Acoustic characteristics of fish bombing: potential to develop an automated blast detector. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46(1), pp.99-106.
  3. Woodman, G., Wilson, S., Li, V. and Renneberg, R., 2004. A direction-sensitive underwater blast detector and its application for managing blast fishing. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49(11-12), pp.964-973.
