
Added Github Repository (Licensing is Hard)

A project log for Honeybee Hive Monitoring

Recording weight, hive temperature, and weather data toward better management and understanding of honeybees.

ken-meyerKen Meyer 09/28/2014 at 01:370 Comments

[EDITED 28 September 2014 to replace reference to a CC license with the GPL 3.0 license after Apitronics added the GPL3.0 license to their github repository]

Here's a repository for my edited Apitronics code. I added a lot of disclaimers in the AHX711 library -- don't use that except in an emergency (or as a reference, I suppose, I did point out what not to repeat, like defining pins in a driver)! It works, and my priority is to finish documentation for the hackaday prize competition rather than focusing on code that's a few steps beyond my comfort level (and which will break if I look at it funny, much less try to fix my bad coding practices).

In other news, open source licensing is hard! I've followed open source software and hardware for years, I've read licenses, and I'm fully on board with the goals of open source hardware and software! That's one of the big reasons I backed the Apitronics Kickstarter since their designs and software are all open source too!

That said, supporting a movement is different from trying to comply with copyright law myself, and I have a lot of uncertainty about the details.

The short version is that the Apitronics Bee software is licensed under GPL3.0, a license designed to preserve the following "freedoms" (from this quick guide to GPL 3.0)

Nobody should be restricted by the software they use. There are four freedoms that every user should have:


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