
ADC Working

A project log for Honeybee Hive Monitoring

Recording weight, hive temperature, and weather data toward better management and understanding of honeybees.

ken-meyerKen Meyer 08/17/2014 at 20:250 Comments

I've got the HX711 ADC  board working with an Arduino Uno! The ADC sends out data at regular intervals, and the Arduino (or Apitronics Bee) just has to read the data over SPI and (probably) process the data by setting calibration offset and gain factors as well as compensating for temperature.

I'll still need to replace at least one resistor on the HX711 ADC board to get the energizing voltage down to around 2.9V from the current 5V, but that's just a simple calculation: VAVDD=VBG*(R1+R2)/ R1 where VAVDD is the input power (3.3V on the Apitronics Bee), VBG is the stable energizing voltage and R1 and R2 are resistors on the HX711 board.

Here's a picture of my rough test platform

And here's a close-up of the HX711 board (actually an implementation of the HX711 chip with a transistor and a collection of passives). The two resistors labeled R12 and R13 at the top of the board are the ones that need to be replaced to adjust the energizing voltage.


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