
Introduction from Pato

A project log for Magpie MIDI - An Adaptive MIDI/Interface Harmonica

Creative expression tool for cerebral palsy patients

pato-montalvoPato Montalvo 08/11/2020 at 01:510 Comments

Hello everyone, Pato here! I’m so excited to be starting this project with my good friend Shu.

I graduated from Electro-mechanical engineering last year, and since then, I’ve been looking for experiences to complement my professional development. As Shu mentioned, I have a great passion for electrical engineering, but I also love prototype design. 

When Shu told me about this project and invited me to work together as a team, I couldn’t say no.  I know that he is a very talented maker, and I’ve learned a lot from him. I knew this was an opportunity to keep honing skills I’m interested in, and most importantly, to create something of value and transcendence. 

I’m confident that whatever comes out of this collaboration will be a product with a meaningful impact. Let’s get to work!


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