If you don't have Echo Dot smart speaker, still you can control the home appliances. And you can also monitor the relay time feedback of the switches from the smartphone.
You can also use the ESP32 board instead of the NodeMCU micro controller.

1. Alexa Echo Dot
2. Relay Module
3. NodeMCU or ESP32 board
Required Components for Relay Module:
1. Relays 5v (SPDT)
2. BC547 Transistors
3. LED 5mm
4. 220-ohm Resistors
5. Connectors
As you can see the circuit for this home automation project is very simple.
You can easily make this circuit with the Relay module and NodeMCU.
Here, I have used D1, D2, D5, D6, D7 pins of NodeMCU to control the 5 Relays. And I have used a 5V mobile charger to supply the circuit.
Hi bro,
I want use your project but I need also to integrate some button to command the same relay's output, but I didn't found solution.
Because I need also to switch on lamps from local
Please can you help me??