
Intervillage Badge (Defcon)

The Intervillage Badge debuts at Defcon 2020 and gives you contactless data access over RFID (ISO 15693/14443) radio.

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Powered by three contactless NFC NDEF tag (type 4 and 5) EPROMS (4Ko and 64Ko) the Intervillage Badge supports a variety of radio transport data access. Try it's fun gamifications, hack it's circuits, impersonate your other NDEF devices, or use it for plain card and tag backups.

The electronic badge needs no batteries or cables, and features a innovative design to defend against opportunistic data theft. A protective leatherette back and translucent frame enclose the colourful device.

Several Defcon Villages are collaborating on applications unique to their fan base. Get creative and download the Opensource project archive.


Included (printed on large glossy paper) colour user manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 329.26 kB - 08/06/2020 at 15:35



Included (printed on small crappy paper) black white user manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 385.80 kB - 08/06/2020 at 15:35


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MSvB wrote 08/06/2020 at 17:59 point

It seems that Hak5 has listed this in their shop.

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